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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tomorrow Is the Day

Tomorrow I will be 46, and in celebration I plan to cycle 46 miles from my home in Exeter, Ontario to my mother's house in London, Ontario. No the direct ride there is not 46 miles, it is only 30, so I had to map out a longer less direct route. I have done the 30 mile rides 3-4 times in the last month or so, and several other 20-25 mile rides as well. Having started back in 2009 before getting sick at 255 or more pounds, and completely sedentary, for me this is a major goal to reach. If I do it, I plan to continue to celebrate every year adding a mile until I cannot do it any longer. If I have the energy when I finish, I might even bang out 46 bodyweight squats, 46 push-ups, and who knows maybe 46 of some other bodyweight exercise as well. At this point the weather looks to be cooperating with a forecast for clear and pretty much windless weather. Now to wait and see what tomorrow brings.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bodyweight Workout July 3, 2012

I have been putting this together for a while now, but decided to try it this evening. It was pretty good. I only got through it 3 rounds, which is probably more of a reflection of my current fitness level since I have been laying off the workouts for a couple of weeks. Hopefully this will signal getting back into it.

Here is the workout:

Day #1 Workout A
Foam Rolling (only first time through)
BW Squats x12
Push-ups x8
Stick-ups x10
Jumping Jacks x20
Lying Hip Extensions x12
Plank 30 seconds
(Rest 30 seconds and Repeat)

Prisoner Squats x10
Mountain Climber x15
Chin-up x5
Elevated Push-up x6/side
Lunge x8/side
Spiderman Climb x10/side
Inverted Rows x8
SB Leg Curl x12
Jumping Jacks x15
Rocca Press x6

(Rest 1 minute and repeat up to 3 more times)

Finish with stretching of stiff muscle groups.